Términos y Políticas Vip Access Vallarta
Versión: 2025
Políticas de Cancelación y Términos y Condiciones Actualizados de VIP Access Vallarta
Última Actualización: 1 de enero de 2024
Política de Cancelación General
Reservaciones Confirmadas con Menos de 15 Días:
- Hasta 72 horas antes del servicio: Aplicará una penalización administrativa.
- Entre 72 y 24 horas antes del servicio: Penalización del 50% del costo total del servicio contratado (CTC).
- Menos de 24 horas o “No Show”: Penalización del 100% del CTC, sin opción de reembolso.
- Circunstancias Extraordinarias o de Fuerza Mayor: Evaluadas exclusivamente por VIP Access Vallarta.
Reservaciones Confirmadas con Más de 15 Días y hasta 12 Meses:
- Hasta 20 días antes del servicio: Penalización escalonada:
- 20% del CTC: Barcos de pesca, veleros y catamaranes.
- 15% del CTC: Yates tipo crucero.
- 10% del CTC: Yates deportivos y de lujo.
- Hasta 20 días antes del servicio: Penalización escalonada:
Reservaciones en Temporada Alta o Días Festivos (Semana Santa, Pascua, Navidad, Año Nuevo, etc.):
- Sin reembolsos independientemente del tiempo de anticipación.
Política de Modificaciones
- Las modificaciones están sujetas a disponibilidad y deben solicitarse con al menos 72 horas de anticipación.
- Aplicará un cargo administrativo dependiendo del servicio y tipo de modificación.
Reembolsos y Reagendaciones
- Reembolsos:
- Solo aplican en caso de cancelación por decisión de VIP Access Vallarta, fallas mecánicas o condiciones climáticas inseguras determinadas por Capitanía de Puerto.
- Reagendaciones:
- En caso de eventos de fuerza mayor, se ofrecerá un certificado válido por un año equivalente al monto depositado.
- Las reprogramaciones están sujetas a disponibilidad y aprobación de VIP Access Vallarta.
Cláusula de Propinas
- Es obligatoria una propina del 15% al 20% del costo total del servicio, la cual será destinada íntegramente al personal a bordo como reconocimiento por su excelencia en el servicio.
Condiciones de Uso
Clima y Estado del Tiempo:
- La lluvia ligera no constituye motivo de cancelación. Solo se emitirán reembolsos si Capitanía de Puerto declara condiciones inseguras para zarpar.
Horas Extras:
- Pueden ser solicitadas durante el servicio, sujetas a disponibilidad y tarifas adicionales determinadas por la embarcación contratada.
Responsabilidad del Cliente:
- Daños a la embarcación o pérdida de equipo serán responsabilidad del cliente y deberán ser cubiertos al finalizar el servicio.
- El costo total del servicio debe ser liquidado antes de la fecha contratada. El incumplimiento resultará en la cancelación sin reembolso.
Comportamiento a Bordo:
- El capitán podrá cancelar el servicio sin reembolso si detecta comportamientos peligrosos o inapropiados.
- No se permiten drogas, armas ni mascotas en la mayoría de las embarcaciones. Consulte con un agente antes de reservar.
Disposiciones Generales
- VIP Access Vallarta se reserva el derecho de modificar estas políticas sin previo aviso.
- La aceptación de estas condiciones se da por confirmada al realizar cualquier pago parcial o total para reservar un servicio.
I- AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD. Este Contrato y la información contenida en él es provista bajo estricta confidencialidad, para el único propósito de proveer un Servicio de transportacion privada con chofer de Calidad, y no será entregada, compartida a ninguna organización, empresa, institución o tercero sin el consentimiento por escrito del(los) CLIENTE(S).
- Reservaciones Confirmadas con Menos de 15 días: Las Cancelaciones hasta 72 hrs de se reserva Aplica Cargo de Penalización; las Cancelaciones entre las 72 y 24 hrs previas a la reservacion aplican una Penalización del 50% del Costo Total del Charteo (CTC) y las Cancelaciones 24 hrs antes del Charteo o “No Show” aplican el 100% del CTC y no habrá Reembolso, a menos que las circunstancias que dan origen a la Cancelación sean Extraordinarias o de Fuerza Mayor, mismas que se determinan bajo el Criterio de Vip Access Vallarta basados en la norma general de las Empresas del Ramo Turisticas.
- Reservaciones Confirmadas con Más de 15 días y hasta 12 meses Antes: Las Cancelaciones hasta 20 días naturales antes de su reserva aplicarán un Porcentaje de Penalización del CTC que será del 20% en la unidad ya reservada por Concepto de Gastos Administrativos y Bloqueo de Disponibilidad. Las Cancelaciones con menos de 15 días previo a la reservacion aplican las Políticas del Inciso (1)
- Días Festivos y Fechas de Temporada Alta: No habrá reembolsos para cancelaciones durante Puentes, Días Festivos, Semana Santa y Pascua, y, entre el 22 de diciembre y el 7 de enero.
Este convenio contiene el entendimiento por ambas partes y suple cualquier otros acuerdo que se haya realizado en forma verbal o por escrito, no podrá ser modificado sino es por escrito con consentimiento de ambas partes.
Nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar el vehiculo reservado si no estuviera disponible para la fecha y hora que reservó. Si ese caso ocurre, entonces nos aseguraremos de abordar un vehiculo muy similar al que usted reservó, O lo ubicará a usted y a sus invitados en una unidad MAYOR que tenga comodidades similares al vehiculo reservado original.
En cualquier caso, se le notificará al menos 24 horas antes de su salida planificada. El cambio de Unidad NO es motivo de cancelación. Una vez reservados y aprobados, todos los pagos son finales y no reembolsables.
IV. CASO FORTUITO O DE FUERZA MAYOR Vip Access Vallarta valorara la situación y tomara la mejor decisión para blindarse por caso fortuito o de fuerza mayor. La empresa se declarara en emergencia sanitaria, por causas de fuerza mayor y activaremos la suspensión colectiva de relaciones de trabajo y atención y servicios a clientes.
La empresa suspenderá provisionalmente los contratos efectuados en los últimos 6 meses hasta nuevo aviso de las instituciones Federales del gobierno de Jalisco. A todos nuestros clientes que hayan efectuado algún pago se les hará llegar un certificado con fecha abierta a un año con el total de los depósitos ya efectuados en cada contrato.
Estaremos monitoreando las escenas para evaluar la nueva reapertura de acuerdo a los comunicados de las instituciones Federales del estado de Jalisco para poder reanudar y reagendar su fecha.
V. OTROS. Vip Access Vallarta reserva el derecho de cambiar estos terminos y condiciones y política en cualquier momento. Esta declaración y las políticas manifiestas aquí no tienen la intención, y no crean, algún otro derecho contractual o legal para cualquiera de las partes. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o duda respecto a nuestras políticas, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros para mayores informes.
Personas extra después de 7 pasajeros tendrán que pagar un costo de $500.00 mx por persona extra
Yacht terms and conditions
I. PRIVACY NOTICE. This Agreement and the information contained therein is provided under strict confidentiality, for the sole purpose of providing a Quality Boat Rental Service, and will not be delivered or shared to any organization, company, institution or third party without the written consent of the (the clients).
II. CANCELLATIONS. Reservations Confirmed Less than 15 days:
a. Cancellations up to 72 hours before Charting Penalty Charge Applies; Cancellations between 72 and 24 hours prior to the Chart apply a Penalty of 50% of the Total Chart Cost (CTC) and Cancellations 24 hours before the Chart or “No Show” apply 100% of the CTC and there will be no Refund, a unless the circumstances that give rise to the Cancellation are Extraordinary or Force Majeure, which are determined under the Vip Access Vallarta Criteria based on the general rule of Companies in the Nautical Tourism Branch.
b. Reservations Confirmed More than 15 days and up to 12 months Before: Cancellations up to 20 calendar days before the Chart will apply a CTC Penalty Percentage that will be 20% for Fishing Boats and Yachts, Sailboats and Catamarans, 15% for Yachts Cruise Type and 10% for Sports and Luxury Yachts for Administrative Expenses and Availability Blocking. Cancellations less than 20 days prior to the Chart apply the Policies in Subsection (a)
c. Holidays and High Season Dates: There will be no refunds for cancellations during Long Weekends, Holidays, Holy Week and Easter, and between December 22 and January 7.
III. CRUISING SPEED. Boat Charters will be operated according to the cruising speed stipulated in the brochure or descriptive sheet of the boat; These may vary according to the Design, Length, Type of Boat or Chosen Aquatic Activity. Therefore, Trips in which the client demands a higher cruising speed may apply additional charges according to the cost of fuel consumption and/or time that are not covered in the base Charter agreements.
IV. LATE DEPARTURES. The boat rental time begins at the contracted time, whether or not the passengers are still on board. If there is a late departure due to a delay of any passenger, the trip will be completed according to the remaining hours of the Chart.
V. PAYMENT. The cost of the Charter must be paid in full before departure, otherwise the trip will be canceled and the deposit is not refunded. Full payment for your service purchased for specific high season dates or with the agenda of a trip on High Season Dates: Holy Week and Easter, and between December 5 and January 7.
VI. CLIMATE AND WEATHER STATE. It rains in Puerto Vallarta. Some rain is possible, but manageable. Rain is NOT a reason for cancellation in Puerto Vallarta. We will monitor the weather as we get closer to your scheduled departure and update you. Your captain will decide if conditions are safe to go out. We ONLY issue refunds if the Harbor Master feels it is NOT safe to leave!
VII. REFUNDS AND AGENDA. The Captain has the final decision to determine if the Charter should be rescheduled or canceled due to any of the aforementioned conditions and, if applicable, a full or partial refund will be made according to each circumstance. There will be no refund due to motion sickness occurring at any time during the trip; once the Vessel returns to Port, any subsequent departure on the same day is considered an independent Charter and service.
VIII. RESPONSIBILITY ON BOARD. Clients will be responsible for damage to the vessel or loss of equipment in case of negligence and, as applicable, an open credit card Voucher or payment of a security deposit (refundable) will be left at the signing of this contract. Vip Access Vallarta is responsible for the safety and security of its passengers and offers Comprehensive Passenger Liability Insurance for each of its Charters. Passengers must strictly follow the directions and instructions of the Captain and his Staff in order to participate in the safe development of the trip.
IX. RESPONSIBILITY OF MINORS. Minors on board are supervised by the crew most of the time; However, strict supervision on board, at sea and on land will be the responsibility of their parents; Therefore, Vip Access Vallarta disclaims any responsibility related to their neglect.
X. OVERHOURS. Additional hours may be requested with the Captain during the trip and even before the vessel is on its way back or arriving at the Port. In order to provide the client with excellent service in each Charter, we highly recommend informing us before setting sail if they wish to extend the stay time of their trip. The cost of each additional hour will depend on each vessel and the purpose of extending the time.
XI. ALCOHOL AND BEHAVIOR. The Captain will have the authority to cease the trip if the passengers are carrying out activities that put the integrity of the vessel and/or its occupants at risk due to inappropriate, incoherent or contrary behavior to the service for which they were contracted and there will be no refund for said Chat. Being able to report to the corresponding authorities in the case of illegal activities.
XII. DRUGS AND WEAPONS. It is the policy of Vip Access Vallarta to prohibit the carrying and/or use of drugs and/or weapons on board any of the vessels. If any passenger is caught carrying and/or using any type of drug and/or weapon during the trip, the captain will immediately return to the Port at the Client’s expense and the Corresponding Authorities will be notified.
XIII. PETS. Pets are not accepted on board most of our vessels. Please consult with your agent or concierge before making any reservations.
XIV. CABINS. Both bathrooms and cabins are NON-SMOKING. During the trip, its use for illegal activities is prohibited, such as: Use of drugs and/or weapons, sex with minors, inappropriate manners not specified within the contract that, in general, may totally or partially damage the reputation of Vip Access Vallarta or the current state of the boat: Furniture, ítems, Decorative, upholstery, electronic items, carpets or boat props. The cost of repairing damages will be the responsibility of the client.
XV. PRICES. The prices of some boats may vary with specific dates of high season or with the agenda of a trip, such as: Christmas Eve (December 24), December 25, New Year’s Eve, January 1, or a special evening event at sea that occurs at 9pm or later.
XVI. TIPS CLAUSE. The Client, through this contract, agrees to collect a tip that ranges between 15% and 20% of the total value of their rent. This tip is in recognition of the high-quality, professional service that will be provided to you throughout your stay on board. This clause is intended to ensure that our staff are appropriately rewarded for their dedication and effort in providing exceptional service. We thank you in advance for your generosity and understanding.
XVII. FISHING TRIPS. Departure times during the rainy season (May to October) are subject to visibility at sea in the early morning, sunrise time, distance to the boarding meeting point and the type of charter requested. (4, 6, 8 hrs). This is due to the high risk that some of the boats will suffer damage from colliding with non-visible floating objects, which are dragged downstream towards the sea during constant or heavy rains, and which are the cause of many of the absences. arrival of ships, delays or re-scheduling of trip departures. Clients, travel agents, as well as Concierge, must keep in mind that communication between us is essential in the early hours of the day, otherwise the client must be provided with a contact telephone number of one of the members of our team. operational personnel in charge of boarding and dispatching the trip or vice versa. A reservation agent will inform you of the best departure time for your trip in each case.
XVIII. MECHANICAL FAILURES. We reserve the right to change the yacht you booked if it is not available for the date and time you booked. If that case occurs, then we will make sure to board a yacht very similar to the one you booked, OR place you and your guests on a LARGER vessel that has similar amenities to the original booked yacht.
In any case, you will be notified at least 24 hours before your planned departure. Changing vessels is NOT a reason for cancellation. Once booked and approved, all payments are final and non-refundable.
1.Supervision of Minors Onboard: The designated crew is responsible for continuous supervision of minors for most of the trip. However, it is required that parents take responsibility for the strict supervision of their children both onboard the yacht and during any activities at sea or onshore.
2.Waiver of Liability: Therefore, Vip Access Vallarta absolves itself from any responsibility arising from situations related to the neglect or inadequate supervision of minors by parents or legal guardians. This includes, but is not limited to, accidents, injuries, or losses that might occur due to a lack of proper supervision by responsible adults.
3.Compliance Obligation: Parents or legal guardians are strongly urged to remain vigilant and actively supervise their children at all times to ensure their safety and well-being during the onboard experience. It’s essential for minors under their care to be aware of safety rules and behavioral guidelines established by the crew and adhere to them at all times.
1. **Assessment of Situations:** In the event of fortuitous events or situations of force majeure, Vip Access Vallarta will conduct a thorough assessment of the situation and take appropriate measures to safeguard the company’s interests.
2. **Declaration of Health Emergency:** In case of a health emergency declared due to force majeure reasons, the company will activate the collective suspension of labor relations and temporarily interrupt services and client support.
3. **Temporary Suspension of Contracts:** All contracts executed within the last six months will be temporarily suspended in accordance with directives from the federal authorities of the Jalisco government. All clients who have made payments will be provided with a certificate with an open date valid for one year, encompassing the total amount of deposits made for each contract.
4. **Ongoing Monitoring and Assessment:** We will closely monitor developments and guidelines provided by the federal authorities of the state of Jalisco. This information will allow us to reassess the possibility of resuming operations and rescheduling service dates in line with the new governmental provisions.
This clause is established to ensure proper and transparent management in cases of force majeure, providing our clients with the necessary assurance and certainty in unforeseen circumstances that may affect the execution of contracted services
1. **Policy Amendments: ** Vip Access Vallarta reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. The provisions outlined in this statement are not intended to create, nor do they generate, any other contractual or legal rights for any of the involved parties.
2. **Clarifications and Inquiries: ** For additional information or to clarify any doubts regarding our policies, please feel free to contact us. We will be delighted to provide you with the necessary guidance
This agreement represents the understanding between the parties and supersedes any other oral or written agreements. It cannot be modified without the written consent of both parties.
We reserve the right to provide alternative services (transportation) in case of mechanical problems. If so, a similar van or luxury SUV with similar amenities will be provided.
COMPENSATION CLAUSE FOR LIMOUSINE SERVICE CANCELLATION DUE TO MECHANICAL PROBLEMS: In the event of unforeseen cancellation of the limousine service due to mechanical problems or situations beyond the control of the Vip Access Vallarta company, the client will be entitled to receive a travel certificate from the Compensation Benefit Program equivalent to the amount paid, discounting the value of any alternative service purchased. The remaining balance will be issued in the form of a travel certificate, which can be used in the future for a similar trip or comparable service. This measure is taken as a gesture of apology and goodwill for the unanticipated cancellation, offering compensation for the inconvenience caused.
The beneficiary of the Compensation Benefit Program agrees to respect the conditions of use and accepts the established limitations. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this contract and the conditions of the certificate, the provisions of the travel certificate shall prevail.
The Points of the Compensation Benefit Program will be received in your Vip Access Vallarta Customer Account the amount of the value of the Points of the Customer (Cardholders) as a credit in favor under the concept of “Travel Redemption Credit”. When the Compensation Benefit is used, the amount of the Compensation Benefit will vipaccessvallarta.com received as a credit in favor of the Client (Cardholders) under the concept of “Compensation Benefit”
Reservations made within the SEÑOR VIP + FOUR SEASONS programs may have specific cancellation, deposit and/or payment policies. Customers acknowledge and accept that by confirming their reservation they have read and accepted the reservations. Cancellation, deposit or payment policies are available when choosing the category of Villa or VIP service that the Client wishes to book. Reservations made within the SEÑOR VIP + FOUR SEASONS programs, which have been selected “Pay Now” may be paid with Points of the Compensation Benefit Program. When you have selected “Pay at the hotel, villa or lobby” or that involves direct payment at the destination, the reservation cannot be paid for with Points, Benefit or Interest-Free Months.
- Amendments to Policy: Vip Access Vallarta reserves the right to modify this policy. The provisions contained herein do not create any other contractual or legal rights for any of the parties involved.
- Clarifications and Inquiries: For more information or to clarify any questions about our policies, please do not hesitate to contact us at soporte@ We are here to offer the necessary guidance.
3.Vip Access Vallarta Online Travel Agency is a benefit created, developed and administered in Mexico by Vip Access Vallarta Online Travel Agency, which grants, exclusively to its Cardholders (Cardholders) Holders or Additional Holders of any of the Cards issued by the customer to Vip Access Vallarta Online Travel Agency the possibility of settling travel services through Page vipaccessvallarta.com. (the Page)
3.1 By requesting the purchase of a travel service through the vipaccessvallarta.com Site, the Cardholder automatically accepts the Terms and Conditions set forth herein.
3.2 By the fact that the Cardholder requests the purchase of a travel service through the vipaccessvallarta.com Site, paying for it in full or in part, he/she automatically accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Equivalent Compensation Benefit in National Currency for each charge.
For more information, please visit [vipaccessvallarta.com](vipaccessvallarta.com) or contact our customer service team at [vipaccessvallarta.com/contact-us](vipaccessvallarta.com/contact-us) or +52 3221718551 and +1 908 435621. For full terms and conditions, please visit [vipaccessvallarta.com/terms-and-conditions](vipaccessvallarta.com/terms-and-conditions).
Extra people after 7 passengers will have to pay a cost of $200.00 mx per extra person